Blood Components

SRKRC has license to supply following blood products :

1. Packed Red Blood Cells (Red Cell Concentrate) :

This product is indicated in anemia and for the patients having blood loss during surgery, due to accidents, because of the obstetric and gynecological complications etc.

2.Platelet Concentrate (RDP) :

This product is required for patients suffering from bleeding disorders. SRKRC staff prepares random donor and single donor platelets (SDP). SDP are obtained on Cell Separator machine using apheresis procedure.

3. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) :

Patients having liver disorders and bleeding disorders mainly need FFP.

4. Cryoprecipitate :

Cryoprecipitate or anti-hemophilic factor is required for hemophilia patients having coagulation factor VIII deficiency. It is also useful to save life of the patient suffering from disseminated coagulation disorder (DIC)

5. Whole Human Blood :

Use of whole blood (WB) is now replaced by components due to many disadvantages associated with WB. Clinicians demand WB for exchange transfusion and cases of accident/surgery where major blood loss is expected. However, in such cases also use of PRBC and FFP is now encouraged.