Annual General Meeting was organized by Surat Blood Donation Center and Research Institute on date 16-12-2022 at 10:00 am at Adarsh Bhavan. The post holders of Lions Club of Surat North were invited to this meeting. In this general assembly our club was awarded by Police Commissioner Mr. Ajay Kumar Tomar for second number of Spandan Charitable Trust trophy sun 2019-22 in order to collect maximum blood donation in international service organization. President Lion Jagdish Fitter, Secretary Lion Naresh Gandhi, Treasurer Lion Dr. in this meeting. Atul Shah, Lion Rajesh Fitter, Lion R. D. Desai, Lion Parimal Vyas and Lion Dr. Narendra Vasavada was present. In this meeting, the prayer was presented by Lion Darshana Pandya initially. Secretary: Lion Naresh Gandhi.